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like the look of the game but i have to ask is there going to be any growing or transformation of any kind?

Is there any sound in the game or will there ever be sound?


Yes really loved the story and hope raybae games continues to finish it 


if i may ask, when is the next update. i'll say this in honesty, i AM curious how the story goes and also i like the relationship development between the ladies and the MC. the reason i asked is because i just reached the end of the game. i want to know what will happen to me and the issues with Gloria and with Paige, Yumi and "The Family" thing.
i can't wait for the next update :D
GREAT WORK!!! i love your game

(4 edits) (+20)

A few things that I feel I should mention before this thread goes out of hand:

1. This game is not set in America. This game is set in a fictional english-speaking western country that takes inspirations from both US and UK. The game has zero mentions of any American political entity or politicians.

2. Not everything is about America. Immigration is not an exclusively American issue, it's not even an exclusively western issue. Even countries like Bangladesh has immigration issues (search “Rohingya crisis” if you don't know). Just because immigration issues pop up in one of the many storylines in this game, doesn't mean it's about American politics. Again, not everything is about America.

3. This game goes into some serious issues (immigration, human trafficking to name a few). If you don't like serious topics in your porn game, look elsewhere. This game is probably not for you.

Any further comments discussing American politics will be removed.



(1 edit)

Thank you. i was thinking that it could be a Alt America( different Dimension). Thank you for Clearing that up!!

( i think that Maids sister looks More Cute than she does ) Would be great if the MC gets a Few Mill or a B and is able to Build a Bigger House, While thwarting the Mob/syndicate People, then is able to get the Maid, her sister, the Bosses Niece, her girlfriend, His next door Neighbor, her Daughters, Sam ( yes i know shes Fey( lesbian ) her GF, the Girl at the Market, the Girl that Put the Mal wear on his PC, His Pregnant Secretary ( Carol ) the Girl that looks after Mils when Both sisters are away, the Girl that Has a Bad boy Brother and maybe a few More. But Maybe that is just a Fantasy Harem Dream of Mine.

thank you for clearing this up.

The guide does not work on Android or what

(7 edits) (+6)

Art style caught attention. Bodies look nice.

What is lacking: absense of facial expressions adequate to the situation/context really kills immersion attempts. Those models look like ragdolls, not alive characters.

Sex scenes feel like a chore for some reason. Generic/lazy like if you're fulfilling checkmarks on a to-do list. I think viewing angles are bad but not only that.

Bad attention to details. You think a bathroom would look like it looks in your game if it REALLY was a bathroom for exclusive venue for super-rich people? Check bathroom in Deviant Anomalies man

Same with cafeteria interior & CEO eating burger & fries (really?) every day for lunch. It kills immersion as it's not consistent with your narrative of him being rich & all

Music... I've heard this guitar track in WAY TOO MANY games already. Stop using it entirely. Makes your product instantly feel mediocre.

Edit: Domination route chosen on Yumi. Music or sfx do not change at all... facepalm. Lines of text & music/atmosphere go opposite directions. Immersion at 0. Ruined. Srsly man go play Deviant Anomalies & learn something from that game. See how they handle important stuff like this. When main character decides to go dark, so has to everything in the game around that moment. You can't just keep music on casual elevator mode :D

So it sets one two together or do they need to be downloading individually?


I like the ero games with mysteries or good comedy.

This was another good one.

Way more than just teasing and using women. You actually feel like you're solving a corporate espionage crime and also dating on the side.

That said, I think it's time I got back out there and tried dating again too.

(1 edit) (+3)

When will the game stop getting into politics? If you didn't do that, the game would be much better. The second anyone starts getting into politics I delete games.  I didn't come for politics, I came for sex and fun.  Keep politics out of games!!!!!


where did it get into politics?


There's a lot of jabs in the game about Trump. It's pretty much clearly in the game in references to his "anti ILLEGAL" immigration policies and Biden's "pro ILLEGAL" immigration.  How do you not see that?


the girls mexican, its a basic stereotype, i dont see any politics in general deportation.


Did you go through the entire thing? It is all about Trump and Creepy Biden.  Also we have laws on immigration. Being here without the proper channels is ILLEGAL immigration.  We're the only country, it appears, to be unwilling to enforce it. Probably because Democrats need the new voters.  And they do vote, illegally.


i dont exactly remember the details, i palyed it like 4-5 months ago, if they did use names then yeah its pretty tasteless, if its just deportation as a concept then id have no issue.

Wait... the game is complete?


Absolutely no mention of a politician's name.  At all.  only one making this about politics is you.   The debates and arguments about immigration policies have been going on in this country LONG before the trumpanzee and his band of clowns blundered their way onto the political stage.

Stop acting like a typical fuckin crayon eater hopped up on jet fuel and cocaine seeing the world through a perspective as narrow as the barrel of an M16.

Also, might I remind you this country was BUILT on the backs of immigrants (many of them forced) by  and for immigrants. (On stolen land)

Sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up, you give us vets a bad name.  (Assuming you're actually a vet, and not after stolen valor)


A Disabled Native American Vet.

SSGT of USMC served during Op. Iraqi Freedom


is there problem are you being racial here. Should go on somewhere.

who is?


from the creator of the game,

A few things that I feel I should mention before this thread goes out of hand:
1. This game is not set in America. This game is set in a fictional english-speaking western country that takes inspirations from both US and UK. The game has zero mentions of any American political entity or politicians.
2. Not everything is about America. Immigration is not an exclusively American issue, it's not even an exclusively western issue. Even countries like Bangladesh has immigration issues (search “Rohingya crisis” if you don't know). Just because immigration issues pop up in one of the many storylines in this game, doesn't mean it's about American politics. Again, not everything is about America.
3. This game goes into some serious issues (immigration, human trafficking to name a few). If you don't like serious topics in your porn game, look elsewhere. This game is probably not for you.
Any further comments discussing American politics will be removed.

Fair enough but the characters sure remind me of Trump, so I don't think that's by accident.  I already deleted the games. Porn games and politics, hell, politics in general tends to ruin everything.

When will the next update come?

(2 edits)

Really Great game ☺️

So I am curious what in bonus renders?

Bonus Renders are Special Pictures, Normally it is to the Specks of the Requester. But Can be one that the Game Creator does to Help the Patrons with/for the game

sences or pictures jc 

Some Do Both. This Creator I have No Idea. Best to ask!!


wooooooooooooooooo :3

I am about to download this game and saw pregnancy was a future content if so then will donate a good amount after I give a review if good.  Looking forward to it.


Lots of content, amazing animations, amazing story.
I appreciate being able to check the current level of each relationship at all times- if I choose to- so I can scroll back and make different, informed choices.

When do I get to do the news reporter


Best story so far, I love how each character has their own issues and you as the MC has the ability to help them all out. It also helps that most of the characters are very enjoyable.

Tbh I quite enjoyed the lactation part and wish to see more or to see that idea "expand" in the future

But otherwise amazing work, I'd like to tell you to keep it up but I have no authority over you, so I'll settle for a thanks.

Thanks for creating such an addicting game, I'll be watching your career with great interest!


Eyyy, great update! It was nice how the pieces are getting connected and smoothly direct on what will happen next with a good conclusion ;D. Cheers to more updates!


10/10 story! can't wait for more carol's story, I hope she is still pregnant when "stuff" happens haha.


hooked atm a little rough but the story is being conveyed really good looking forward to more


Maids and Maidens v0.7 is out now for tier 3+ patrons on Patreon ---

Wow, this is great news!!! One of my favorite games!


Dude come on let us know if we should keep on waiting for an update or u gave up on the project


Man apparently has a messy work schedule so. 

Maybe joining the discord would enlighten you a bit more. Most of the creators here who go dark are active in the discord servers.

Thx for sharing. Not really active in discord but okay i'll check it there.. need room invitation link though


Im thoroughly opposed to using Discord, my guy it's fine.

The link is on the game page, man. 


Definitely have not gave up on the project. I have started living alone for the first time in my life a few months ago, and that has wrecked my work-life balance. But I'm getting things sorted, and the next update will certainly come later this month.


Shit happens bro! Thx for the update. I personally don't mind waiting as long as we hear from you


You take care of YOU, then when it is good for your state of mind, then you do this. Don't let the fans, supporters or inner voices burn yourself out. It happens to too many good developers who do not have their priorities right. Good luck!!



Right! I think that is one of the coolest GIFS.

How do I install the extra renders on Android?

it's a zip file with images inside. get a unzipper from play store


Just gonna open the game but very happy that it does not have a MEGA link. cuz mega just says today's download limit reached and stops the download.

If that happened than you need to Pay 5-10 dollars to get a Larger Dl Limit

OR, you can delete the Mega file on your computer and it will say 5 gb available to download again.

You can But Why Lose the Game/Games?

If you have a vpn, you can just change your region and download limits reset. Just a friendly tip xD


I Can See This Going Far......Keep Up The Spiciness Within This Vn 


Was really getting into this story.  Had me at the edge of my seat.  That cliffhangar was almost torture.  Hope to see more updates on this soon.

NGL, the whole Bianca situation was kinda fucked.  Like yeah, I understand her perspective, but dude has a right to know if he has a kid.  She kinda came off as a bitch for that one.

(1 edit) (+3)

Can't wait for the next update. That cliffhanger is killing me. Absolutely hate Bianca though. Any clue on the next update?

4* from me. 


Hi when will going to update the game

Deleted post

we want a update! its delicious!


Hey man, great plot and graphics! But been waiting for update for almost 3 months now.. how many more updates before the end of story? and when is the next update coming?


Gahdamn! I was itching in my seat getting ready to know the truth then BLAM, CLIFFHANGERRRR!!!! 

Jokes aside,  I love how the plot progressed, looking forward to the updates! 5/5

Thought this was just your average erotic VN but the plot is thick

O.M.G. what a cliff hanger !!! *(  HOLY COW )* MC old flame is a NURSE !!! never seen that coming. WOOWWW that is some grade A++ writing and the FIA agents ummm ???

when will we get more carol if the MC choose to have her cheat on her husband?

Hi Big Goat i love the game and story line. Story based sex scene are good. When will going to update the remaining story of the game. Also add more sex scenes of the remaining girls.


the next update is scheduled for this month

can you make a mega link

which version are you looking for? pc?


i need update this game.

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